Film Photography Archive
2021 Photography
These streets, now so unfamiliar,
and these people, now strangers,
and even this air, and the spirits upon it,
this earth and the dead within it,
also new to us.
and these people, now strangers,
and even this air, and the spirits upon it,
this earth and the dead within it,
also new to us.
And unknown will, with time,
be old friends.
be old friends.
This red letterbox, with paint peeling,
and this privet hedge, with sparrows gossping within it,
and these net curtains drawn across propriety,
these pollarded trees, these green parakeets and moping pigeons.
All of this
will become as intimate as our own skin,
an extension of who we are
so that we see our own desires manifested
in the meshwork of it
lit up in neon
in each greasy puddle.